On the Importance of Sleep
The week started off well enough, with a good leg-focused strength training session on Monday. Then on Tuesday morning I fought the Snooze button, and the Snooze button won, so I ran in the neighborhood in the late afternoon. Late Summer afternoons in Georgia are hot, and it was such a humid day that it made things much tougher. Add to that the neighborhood hills (327 ft elevation gain for 3 miles), and it was tough all around. Must wake up early.Sleep was again an issue on Wednesday night, rather, the lack of sleep was an issue. That again moved the morning run to the afternoon, but this time I chose the treadmill. After some upper body strength training on Friday, it was back on the treadmill on Saturday.
Finally today the alarm went off, I put on my running clothes and went out the door and ran outside again. There was nothing to be done about the humidity, but at least it wasn't so hot. The sun was just peeking out above the trees, so there was plenty of shade, even the occasional breeze. And that puts week 2 at 18.7 miles.
If there was one thing I learned this week is that I do need to sleep better. Otherwise, it was a good training week.
Till next time.