Sunday, September 1, 2013

Procrastination and Poor Pacing

It's been 4 weeks since the last post. My updates have not been so timely, have they? What happened between weeks 4 and 8? Glad you asked


We went to the Princeton area for the doubly momentous occasion of my sister-in-law's Birthday and her baby shower (hi Cris!). Running there was very different from running in Jersey City last year.

Marathon Pacing is Hard

After spending some time with the Daniels and McMillan calculators, I determined a range of marathon paces, based on my most recent races, and from there started sprinkling some Marathon-pace miles into my training.

Some of those went better than others. On a few days I was able to say within the range, on another I found myself breathing a lot harder, stole a glimpse at my watch and realized I was actually running 8 seconds per mile faster than my last 5k pace. SMART! I definitely need to work on my pacing. Not a huge surprise there.

Farther than Ever Before

Week 7's long run was a 15-miler, and that's officially the longest I have ever run. Interestingly enough, I didn't feel as tired on that day as I expected, although DOMS hit me on Monday, my calves were really sore.

An important take away from that run was that the shirt I wore to the Peachtree Road Race was still comfortable going from a 10k to 15 miles. No chaffing anywhere. Thumbs up, Saucony (Note: I am not affiliated with Saucony, neither did I receive any compensation whatsover from them). Additionally, a Peanut Butter and Jelly with banana was an excellent pre-run breakfast, and kept me going well into the run.

Running in the Soup

This morning, the humidty was 100%. There was a lot of fog when I started around 6:40 AM, and the sun didn't burn it off until 9 AM. And to further illustrate the point, in addition to sweat, there was dew on my shirt through most of the run. The end result was that the 12 miles felt tougher than last week's 15. But I finished it, and week 8 is in the books.

Overall, I think training is progressing well, I just need to get plenty of rest, hydration and nutrition are fine.

Until next time.

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