An Eventful 2013
Some obvious highlights were PRs on the 5k, 10k and Half-Marathon, running my first Marathon, and even winning a couple of age-group awards on some of the local 5ks. Another huge milestone for me was going over 1000 miles for the year, finishing a little over 1100. Definitely not bad for someone who started running in July 2011.
But I am particularly happy about what went on behind some of those numbers. I was fairly consistent with my running, getting in 4 runs most weeks, with very few exceptions. I was able to stay healthy and run without any injuries, and I'm very thankful for that. Sure, part of that was due to good luck, but I would like to think I did my part by being more diligent when it came to recovery and prevention work - although not as consistent as I'd like, but I'm working on that.
I'm glad I participated in the Google+ running community, as it expanded the circle of people with whom I can talk about running without the risk of my non-running friends shunning me :). They inspired and motivated me, and made me think about running in a different light than I might otherwise. You ladies and gentlemen are great, and made our sport that much more enjoyable. Thanks for a great year.
And Now's Time For Some Goals
I have learned that I work best when I have objectives to strive for, I tend to be more accountable to myself. Of course I want to set new PRs, but I think those are a result of training and good choices, therefore I decided my goals would be process-oriented.- I want to run at least 1350 miles this year, but preferably 1500. In order to get there, I intend to:
- Run one more day a week, making 5 runs/week my average. I think I can do that by adding an easy 2-3 mile recovery the day after my long run.
- Increase my typical long run distance. Last year, when not training for a half-marathon or Marathon, my long run was typically between 7-10 miles. After the end of the marathon training cycle, I found myself feeling very comfortable longer runs. The 20-milers still beat me up, but 12-to-16 miles became manageable, so that's what I intend to get to. These two changes should bring me to my goal.
- Naturally, in order to safely increase that mileage, I need to be very consistent with my recovery and prevention work, so I need to:
- Continue foam rolling after hard workouts and long runs
- Keep doing my core and strength work - no skimping on it, mister!
- Although not running-specific, I want to become a more proficient swimmer. That means getting to the pool every week, and getting some more lessons.
- Register for at least one trail race. I ran more on trails in 2013, and I would like to race at least once, to add some variety to my racing schedule.
- And last but, not least, continue to enjoy my running. Keep it fun, keep it going forever.
Have you set goals for 2014? Do you have an A-race this year?
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